Career Resources

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Whether you're a high school student, recent college grad, mid-life professional, or retiree, building out a career that you enjoy can be one of life's most rewarding experiences — financially and emotionally.

Unfortunately, 70% of Americans are disengaged at work! These people wake up every morning, trudge out the door, and aimlessly wander through the next 9 hours in a zombie-like daze.

Life is too short and too valuable to live for the weekends, retirement, and 2 weeks of vacation every year. You need to find a way to make a living that makes living worthwhile.

Although the solution to this issue is very personal (and only you can find the right solution), we do have some resources to help:

  • Continue your education: To succeed in life, never stop learning. Our list of resources and programs can help you improve your current career, or even start a new one, without going back to college.
  • Find a job that gets you excited: Whether you're seeking a new full-time career, a remote job, or a job on the other side of the world, the resources here have you covered.
  • Start a side hustle: How fun would it be to make extra money in your free time? It's incredibly easy to do — the key is to simply find the side hustle that's right for you. Try one of these out this weekend.
  • Start a blog: From helping you land your dream job, to becoming your dream job, blogging is a great way to establish yourself as a thought leader, make connections, and even build an income. A blog allows you to show off your knowledge and skills to potential employers, it makes it easy to network with new clients, and it can even help you earn a few grand a month in extra income. Learn how to get started and give it a try!
  • Complete surveys: Who doesn't like the idea of getting paid for their opinions? Review the different survey sites here to find businesses and organizations willing to pay you anywhere from a few bucks to hundreds — just for sharing your thoughts!

Check out the resources above to jump start your new career (or give a boost to your current one). And don't forget to join our Basic Income giveaway for your chance to win $500/month for two years — that's a nice little something extra regardless of your career!