The ONLY New Year’s Resolution You Need this Year

The ONLY New Year’s Resolution You Need this Year

For us goal-driven idealists, New Year’s Resolutions are like cocaine to an addict. Although developing the discipline to succeed is a monotonous struggle, daydreaming about who you could be 12 months from now is exhilarating! What if I was...
15 Things to Consider Before Starting Life as a Digital Nomad

15 Things to Consider Before Starting Life as a Digital Nomad

So, you want to be a digital nomad.   I’ve been living the digital nomad lifestyle for 4 years now and I love it. It’s given me  the freedom and flexibility to live a life full of adventure. But it’s not all sitting on the beach trying not to get sand in your laptop...
5 Quick and Easy Ways to Make Money from Home

5 Quick and Easy Ways to Make Money from Home

Have you ever wondered if you could make some extra cash for you and your family, without having to leave home? Some people start a home business to replace their full-time income that they would have got from a traditional job. Other people want to be able to access...
10 High Paying Jobs You Can Do from Anywhere

10 High Paying Jobs You Can Do from Anywhere

My ultimate dream-come-true scenario would be my husband and I quitting our jobs and being free to travel the world. In the past, a dream like this would be nearly unthinkable as it would involve having the money to pay for such an adventure up front or being able to...
6 Ways to Adopt a Wealthy Mindset

6 Ways to Adopt a Wealthy Mindset

Growing up, my family didn’t have much money. There were times when the light switch triggered no response because the electric bill hadn’t been paid, and we were even homeless for a time. I remember being jealous of my friends who lived in large houses and received...
Healthy Habits Can Increase Your Personal Wealth

Healthy Habits Can Increase Your Personal Wealth

Too often, people fall into the trap of assuming they have to work themselves to death in order to make a living and retire well. While hustle culture is currently dominating the wealth-creation landscape (and for good reason), what’s lost to the general public is the...