Survey: Finance Questions You Should (and Shouldn’t) Ask

Survey: Finance Questions You Should (and Shouldn’t) Ask

Everyone knows there are certain subjects you just don’t bring up in conversation, whether it’s religion, politics, or marital conflicts. But if there’s one thing Americans can agree on, it’s that money is the most taboo topic of all. Asking about salary or...
5 Quick and Easy Ways to Make Money from Home

5 Quick and Easy Ways to Make Money from Home

Have you ever wondered if you could make some extra cash for you and your family, without having to leave home? Some people start a home business to replace their full-time income that they would have got from a traditional job. Other people want to be able to access...
Everything You Need to Know About Emergency Funds

Everything You Need to Know About Emergency Funds

We’ve all had emergencies. From car wrecks to sudden job layoff. And when an emergency hits, it can feel as if everything in your life is going wrong. Emergencies are stressful – and struggling to pay for them enhances the problem. By setting up an emergency fund...
10 Things I Learned From Being Flat Out Broke

10 Things I Learned From Being Flat Out Broke

This article was written by Michelle, who is on a journey to earn additional income so that her husband can quit his day job. You can follow her progress at Operation Husband Rescue. I've mentioned before that at one point in time, during and shortly after college...
How to Get Free Money with a Cryptocurrency UBI: Mannabase Review

How to Get Free Money with a Cryptocurrency UBI: Mannabase Review

Manna is a new cryptocurrency (like Bitcoin) created by advocates of a Universal Basic Income (UBI). You can buy, sell, and mine Manna, just like other cryptocurrencies. However, you can also receive a small amount of the currency every week for free, just by signing...