Everything You Need to Know About Emergency Funds

Everything You Need to Know About Emergency Funds

We’ve all had emergencies. From car wrecks to sudden job layoff. And when an emergency hits, it can feel as if everything in your life is going wrong. Emergencies are stressful – and struggling to pay for them enhances the problem. By setting up an emergency fund...
The No Fee Stock Trading App: Robinhood Review

The No Fee Stock Trading App: Robinhood Review

Robinhood is a no fee stock trading platform. The Robinhood app makes it easy to buy and sell individual stocks without paying commissions or trading fees – which often cost $5-10 per trade on other platforms.   Robinhood Review and Free Stock Signup Bonus...
10 Investments That Let You Make Money by Helping Others

10 Investments That Let You Make Money by Helping Others

What's better than making money? Making money by helping others! The following 10 investments let you make money by helping others, the environment, and great causes around the globe. From real estate, to cryptocurrency, to solar panels, there's a wide range of...
Should I Invest in Bitcoin? Why Warren Buffett is Wrong

Should I Invest in Bitcoin? Why Warren Buffett is Wrong

Over the last three months, my Bitcoin investment has tripped – as the value of Bitcoin has shot up from $5,000 to over $15,000. With Bitcoin up almost 2000% this year, I know many people are wondering if now is a good time to buy, or if the ship has sailed. So today,...